Did you know??
Bishop’s Stortfords town centre has nearly 100 independent businesses! Each one will have grown from one persons passion. They will have had an idea which they think would offer something to the people of Bishop’s Stortford that they have not already got, or a service that will make their lives a little better. From treating yourself to a facial, to restoring cherished photos, or having help designing your interiors, Bishop’s Stortford has an amazing variety of retailers that people still don’t know about.

Our idea was to open up a one stop shop for peoples homes, somewhere that you can come to find everything you need, from your flooring, to the little finishing touches. We then decided to expand what we had with a second shop on the main high street, this was a big jump, but our town does not have a lighting shop, or anywhere that sells the type of home accessories that we do. So there was a gap to be filled.
One thing people probably forget when they shop with an independent business is that the person they just spoke to is not just the person serving them. That person will also be doing the ordering, dealing with the company accounts, the VAT man, the marketing, their website, the social media and everything else that comes with running a business. And even though that person has the serious role of handling every element of their business, if you buy something from them they will all do a little happy dance as soon as you leave the building. Knowing that we have found that one thing for our customers, that they are happy with us, the product and the service we provide brings us joy each and every time.

So next time you want to go shopping, come in to Bishop’s Stortford and support the wonderful independent businesses we have. You will make someone’s day by buying something from them, while helping to keep our town alive. Even better leave reviews for these businesses, tell everyone else how much you liked them and what you bought/ate/drank, our town needs a boost, and something as simple as referring your friend will make a difference.